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Photo Our eco-friendly commitment

July 15, 2020

Our eco-friendly commitment

LE FIVE has been working for years to build sports facilities with SMC2. Since its inception, the company has strived to promote a sustainable, socially responsible approach through innovative construction and the highest environmental quality standards.


SMC2 believes a company should work in the interests of society as a whole while protecting the environment through effective and efficient business practices. This belief in a virtuous circle guides the everyday efforts of the company and galvanises its employees, inspiring them to come up with simple, functional solutions to our economic and environmental challenges.


Architecture, style, design and innovation are key creative sparks. SMC2 designs buildings that embody a realistic approach to environmental protection.


Through a combination of exclusive building principles and small-footprint materials, SMC2 reduces waste and excess consumption to protect the planet and promote the benefits of regular sport.



SMC2 structures are mainly made of wood, which is the only material with a negative CO2 footprint. It does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.

Even better, when it comes to turning products into building materials, timber uses 130 times less energy than aluminium and 60 times less than steel. SMC2 sources all of its timber from sustainably managed European forests.

Plus, all of the other materials it uses are 100% recyclable, as exemplified by its textile membrane, which is reconditioned using a special process.



SMC2 has successfully reduced the density of the building materials it uses. Structures are designed to unlock energy savings wherever possible.


Its sports facilities undergo a life‑cycle assessment to gauge their true environmental impact based on 12 criteria in areas such as the greenhouse effect and the ozone layer.


Design choices are evaluated and incorporated into an environmental solution optimised to protect our environment.


Sm C2 Poster




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